The Travel Clearance is a document issued by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to a minor traveling abroad unaccompanied by any of the parents or those persons having parental authority and legal custody over the child in a digitized format and applied using the online application system within the Harmonized Electronic License and Permit System (HELPS) platform.
a. A minor accompanied by the following:
b. A minor who is an immigrant or a permanent resident abroad, with foreign service holding a diplomatic/official passport such as Ambassador/General Consul/Attaches, provided he/she is holding a valid passport, such as dependent visa/identification card which serves as a proof that the travel does not constitute child trafficking.
The Travel Clearance or Certificate of Exemption may be obtained / downloaded within a maximum of three working (3) days upon completion of the online application process; and a fee of Three Hundred Pesos (Php 300.00) per child shall be paid by the applicant.
Online applications will be accepted and processed daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday, excluding regular holidays and during natural or man-made calamities. Applications submitted on holidays or weekends will be processed on the next working day.
For urgent applications of clearance, applicants may apply at the nearest DSWD Field Office that are not affected by the calamities.
The Digital Blue Card and Certificate of Exemption generated through the system shall be valid per travel of the child.
Scanned copies of the following:
Scanned copies of the following:
Scanned copies of the following:
Scanned copies of the following: